15th June
Church of Santa Maria Assunta / Spiaggia Grande
The celebrations in honor of the Saint Patron of Positano begin, as for many local celebrations, with “the exit of the statue” a few days before 15 June, allowing the faithful to venerate and pray San Vito.
The celebrations culminate in the day dedicated to him, with religious celebrations and itinerant band shows. Perfumes and colors of the “stalls” of sweets and games fill the Spiaggia Grande of Positano, until the expected evening fireworks show on the sea.
Very characteristic is the blessing of the dogs, which takes place on the pier of Spiaggia Grande, due to a legend that sees San Vito as the protector of four-legged friends.

29th June
San Pietro
The celebrations in honor of St. Peter and Paul are held in the district of San Pietro, about two kilometers from the center of Positano continuing towards Amalfi, in the homonymous and characteristic church along the state road.
As in all local religious celebrations, you can attend band concerts, liturgical rites and take a walk among the colorful “stalls”.
The celebration ends with the fireworks on the sea, which on this particular occasion can be admired with the vertical city as a background.
2nd July
Very much felt by the local faithful is the feast of Santa Maria delle Grazie, in the hamlet of Montepertuso.
This celebration is particularly followed for the characteristic fireworks that have a particular meaning here: telling a legend.
Fireworks, sound effects, light effects and the participation of the faithful, tell for more than an hour the struggle between the devil and the Holy Mother for the protection of the inhabitants of the place, recreating the scenes handed down by generations on Mount Gambera (or “O ‘Pertus”, from which the name of the fraction derives).

15th August
Church of Santa Maria Assunta / Spiaggia Grande
The celebrations begin with the characteristic “raising of the picture” on the morning of 14 August, when the people of Positano gather on the Spiaggia Grande of Positano, with their feet in the water, to see the painting representing the Virgin standing on the square of the Mother Church.
A particular “tradition” is the search, for these two days, of pierced stones, considered small lucky charms. The celebrations continue for two days, including processions, celebrations and concerts, until the long-awaited and followed midnight fireworks.
People gather mainly in the beach, many choose to admire the fires from vantage points far from the center, others still on a boat.
Itinerant Shows
Fascinating annual event that takes place between the end of July and the beginning of August, and sees perform for three weeks companies and characters from the theater world.
Each year is assigned the Annibale Ruccello Award is awarded, in memory of the young stabiese dramatist died in 1986.
The evenings of the theater festival are itinerant, one in every “district” of Positano.

Spiaggia Grande
Positano recalls the greatest etoiles of the dance world since the ’20s, when the dancer and choreographer Léonide Massine decided to buy and fix his residence on the Li Galli archipelago, later succeeded by Rudolf Nureyev.
On August 2, 1969 the Positano Award was born, named to Massine’s memory.
Every year, on the second Saturday of September, the award sees the dancing stars of the most famous companies in the world, followed by a week of performances by local choreographic, theatrical and musical schools.

The last Saturday of September
Fornillo Beach
Celebration of the people of Positano, the people of the sea and tradition: every year on the last Saturday of September, the characteristic Fornillo Beach inebriates the scents of local cuisine and delicious sangria, in an evening accompanied by the music of local folk groups.
The beach can be reached by foot through a romantic pathway that starts from the Spiaggia Grande in Positano, or with a free shuttle from the same pier.

28th-29th December
Spiaggia Grande
Annual event of the Christmas time, the Festival of Zeppola rejoices since the 80s two full days in the vertical city: tournaments and games for children are organized in the two mornings, and then give way to traditional games for “big”, until the evening with opening of the stands.
Every year, fans of Positano are delighted in preparing the best ever zeppola, aiming to win the traditional “Zeppola d’Oro” award.