One of Positano’s most significant historical and cultural attractions is undoubtedly the MAR Positano – Roman Archaeological Museum. This remarkable site offers a genuine journey back in time, beginning at Positano’s Mother Church, through the Middle Ages, and all the way to the Roman era, where you’ll discover a magnificent Villa!

Local archaeologists deeply connected to the region’s history and the villa itself, will guide you on this fascinating journey. In approximately 30 minutes, they’ll reveal fascinating insights into Positano’s history and its importance throughout the centuries.
The experience begins with an extraordinary 30-minute walk on a glass walkway, allowing visitors to get remarkably close to the frescoes and admire the majolica flooring.
Many elements, including the “falling” wall in Opus Reticulatum, have been intentionally preserved in their discovered state to help visitors understand the violence of the eruption and its resulting damage.

The MAR tour includes two crypts within the Santa Maria Assunta complex: the upper crypt, located directly above the Roman Villa, where visitors can easily spot ancient drainage systems along its perimeter.
Part of the upper crypt now serves as a “Roman villa museum“, featuring numerous artifacts accompanied by digital information including texts, photographs, and videos documenting various excavation phases.

The medieval crypt, situated beneath the Mother Church’s presbytery, contains numerous elements suggesting it was originally a proper church with two naves and decorated with marble columns. Though later converted for cemetery use, multiple modifications over time make its exact historical purpose uncertain.
The Roman Villa is just one of the area’s many treasures: numerous archaeological sites and locations along the coast prove the Roman presence, including the villa in Minori and Emperor Tiberius’s villa in Capri.
These sites demonstrate how the Romans had already chosen the Amalfi Coast as their “vacation home” – a place to relax, rejuvenate, and enjoy breathtaking views!

The MAR Positano entrance and ticket office are in separate locations, which might initially cause some confusion: the ticket office is located inside the Luca Vespoli Tourist Office, at the foot of the stairs leading to the Mother Church. The MAR entrance itself is accessed from Piazza Flavio Gioia, behind the bell tower.

OPENING HOURS: April 1 to October 31: Monday to Sunday, 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM; November 1 to March 31: Monday to Sunday, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
For more museum information, up-to-date opening hours, and ticket purchases, please visit www.marpositano.it.